Royal Highness 1.2g - Red Pressed & Green Unpressed Hash

THC: 56%



LINEAGE: Dancehall x Respect

TASTE: Fruity, Spicy, Skunky

FEELING: Energized, Focused, Comfortable

FARM: THC of Humboldt - The Honeydew Creek

PLACE GROWN: Honeydew, Humboldt, CA 

CULTIVATION STYLE: Outdoor, Sungrown

Cultivated by THC of Humboldt - The Honeydew Creek, a family-owned and operated farm located in the heart of Humboldt’s Mattole Valley. This special region that’s nestled between the King Range mountains, coastal Redwoods and the Pacific Ocean experiences some of highest rainfall in the mainland US along with bone-dry summers, making it an ideal terroir for cultivating cannabis. 

Royal Highness is a sativa-dominant hybrid made from a cross of the strains Dancehall and Respect. Higher in CBD than most hybrids, this balanced strain yields an energizing effect with the ability to focus on tasks. Due to its CBD:THC ratio, this strain is often selected by medical marijuana patients to treat anxiety and pain. Fruity and spicy with a hint of skunkiness. 

Royal Highness contains high levels of the terpinoid β-caryophyllene, which is the only terpene known to also act as a cannabinoid: it can activate our endocannabinoid system to provide anti-inflammatory effects. This strain also contains elevated levels of the terpenes Limonene, Humulene and Linalool.