What Is a Hash Pipe? Exploring an Ancient Smoking Technique
As the world’s very first cannabis concentrate, hash holds a special place in history. An ancient commodity with a beguiling backstory, even the word hashish evokes mystery and intrigue. The ways in which hashish is consumed have evolved over time, but one of the most enduring is via a pipe, and even this ancient smoking tool has evolved.
Keep reading for a fun historical look at the hash pipe, how it’s evolved, and how it's used today. By the end you’ll be ready to throw on some Weezer and enjoy a classic cannabis concentrate that never goes out of style. Ready? Let’s get rolling!
What Is a Hash Pipe?
When the very first hashmakers stumbled upon the insight that collecting and pressing the trichomes that coat cannabis flowers might produce a more potent product, there was no such thing as a hash pipe. In those early days, hash aficionadoes probably used simple tools such as reeds to enjoy these very first cannabis concentrates.
But before long, we humans had figured out better ways to enjoy hash. Archaeological sites in present-day Cambodia indicate that simple pipes were in use some 3,000 years ago; it’s believed that water pipes have been around since at least 400 BCE.
While no one knows exactly when the modern hash pipe reached its current form—perhaps it was sometime in the 10th century, when hash traveled from its home in ancient Persia and India and hit the Middle East—but it’s safe to say the design has stabilized in the modern era: A hash pipe is a small hand device not unlike a standard cannabis pipe, but with small holes placed around the rim instead of in the bowl. That’s because pressed hash tends to disintegrate as it burns; the design of the pipe prevents the resulting hot ash and resin from traveling through the stem of the pipe (and into your lungs).
How to Use a Hash Pipe: Step-By-Step
If you’ve interacted with cannabis flower before, you probably won’t find using a hash pipe challenging; here are the basic steps.
1. Loading the Hash Pipe
While it may seem appealing to take a huge hit of hash, in our experience you’ll get better (and less wasteful) results by starting with just a small amount of hash—a chunk the size of a lentil or a pea, depending on how many people are sharing.
2. Lighting It Up
When you’re ready to begin, bring the hash pipe to your lips, cover the carb hole (if present), and get a source of fire ready. Lighters may be simpler than matches, but some smokers don’t care for the butane flavor they can introduce.

Once you feel the smoke flowing, you can release your fingertip from the carb hole (if present). You’ll immediately notice an increased airflow, which has the effect of drawing the smoke deeper into your lungs.
3. How to Clean a Hash Pipe
While a hand pipe requires very little maintenance, trust us: It’s well worth it. There’s no need to spoil the taste of high-quality hash with crusty, resinous deposits—especially when cleaning a hash pipe isn’t hard.
We recommend regular cleanings with a swab or pipe cleaner moistened with warm water, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. If your hash pipe is seriously gunky, try placing it in a resealable plastic baggie, then adding enough coarse salt to surround it at least by half. Now pour in just enough rubbing alcohol or white vinegar to submerge the pipe completely.
Seal the baggie, then start gently rubbing the salt-and-alcohol mixture around the pipe with your fingers until the majority of the resin has been scraped off. Allow the pipe to soak for a couple of hours before removing it, rinsing it with warm water, and allowing it to air-dry.
How Else Can You Smoke Hash?
The hash pipe is hardly the end of the story; some other popular options include:
- The Chillum: Similar to a classic “one-hitter,” chillums are made of ceramic or soft stone. A round stopper is placed in the throat of the pipe to prevent hashish falling all the way through, and the hash is ignited with the chillum held upright between the middle and ring fingers.
- The Water Pipe: Otherwise known as a hookah or shisha, the simple water pipe is believed to have originated as early as the 16th century. Today, it’s a simple and pleasurable way to cool hashish smoke by drawing it through water.
- The Healthstone: An inert stone pad designed to be used with a special miniaturized dab rig, the healthstone is made of semi-porous stone. The special texture allows melting hash to permeate it, releasing a gradual cloud of vapor (and allowing the rig to be passed around and shared).
Want to go even deeper? Visit our deep dive on hash-smoking techniques.
Artisan Hash for the Modern Cannabis Consumer
If you’ve interacted with an artisan-grade hash such as our pressed “temple balls,” you know that hash is a uniquely versatile product and that you can smoke it in any number of ways. That said, in our experience you’ll get the best results by using a purpose-made hash pipe. What is a hash pipe? While not dissimilar from the standard hand pipe or bong intended for cannabis flower or tobacco, a classic hash pipe features small holes around its rim, allowing smoke to be drawn down the pipe while the hot ash stays inside the bowl (and out of your lungs).
Here at Nasha, we’re passionate about hash in all its forms. If you’re interested in deepening your knowledge of this ancient commodity, we’d love to share some of our recent articles with you. Start with a deep dive into live rosin or come investigate the realm of ice water hash with us.
And if you’re in the neighborhood, let us introduce you to our new Humboldt cannabis delivery service! With a focus on small-batch producers such as ourselves, it’s the easiest way to get Humboldt’s finest craft-grown cannabis delivered straight to your door.